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This site does not contain scenes of a pornographic nature, real violence, real harm, real murders, etc.

This site may contain scenes of simulated violence, partial nudity, and adult scenes that may offend some viewers. If you are offended by such material or if you are a minor, please leave now.

All the content of this site is staged and fantasy. The content does not promote violence.

All actors and Actresses are adults.

The content of this website is not intended for viewing by persons under the age of 18 (21 in some countries).

The viewer`s discretion is required.

By accessing this site, you are making a legal Declaration that you are of legal age and that you wish to view this material, and that it is legal for you to do so in your community, country, state, province, or nation. By doing so, you take full responsibility for your actions.


Films of "Matryoshka pictures Studio" (Hereinafter - Our films or Films) are rated "category R" and have an age limit of 18 (21 years), depending on the legislation of a particular country. The films are intended for an adult conscious audience.

All the tricks shown in the movies are performed by professionals, after preparation and training. Don`t repeat any scenes from our movies at home or anywhere! This can be dangerous for the life and health of you and other people!

All actors and Actresses involved in our films are shot in a friendly atmosphere, without harm to life and health, voluntarily, in good health and sober mind, are adults and capable. Their permission to use their images for commercial purposes is documented. Please note that the real names of actors and filmmakers may be confidential, and we may use pseudonyms.

Everything that is shown on the screen is fiction. Any resemblance to real life is a coincidence. All characters, names, and images are fictional. Any similarities with real people who fall under gender, national, or racial groups are coincidences. Movies are not intended to offend anyone. Geographical names and spaces are also random, and their image is used randomly.

Scenes related to drug use, tobacco Smoking, and alcohol are just simulations related to the need to implement movie scripts. If possible, we try to exclude these scenes from our movie scripts. We do not promote all of the above. We oppose the use and distribution of drugs and alcohol and share international anti-Smoking health concepts. Do not repeat or copy such scenes in real life, it may cause harm to the life and health of you and other people.


Our films can show scenes of violence, as well as scenes of crime, murder, crime investigations, scenes with elements that resemble: blood, the dead body of an adult person, there may be Nude content with adults. All of the above scenes are exclusively staged, shot for the purpose of artistic design. In scenes where a man kills a man, a man kills a woman, a woman kills a woman, or a woman kills a man in every possible way, there is no hint of sexual discrimination, or approval of violence in real life.

We definitely do not shot: pornography, naturalistic sex, crimes against children, crimes against pregnant women, crimes against the disabled, scenes of violence against animals, tragedies of humanity: such as genocides, floods and other sad events in the history of mankind.

We strongly condemn any illegal actions against anyone, and strongly and fiercely condemn and despise any form of violence, whether it is physical violence, moral and psychological violence, or sexual violence. We respect human dignity and international law, human morals, and human rights, including the rights of minorities.

We respect morals, religious feelings, the inviolability of human life and dignity, family integrity, the inviolability of the child and the child`s right to safe information, so we strongly ask you to carefully use the site and its materials on your computer and hide the content from your children.

We respect the problems of life and death, do not ridicule tragedy and death, and take care of the rituals and sacraments associated with death, any religious norms, any religious practices established in a legal society. The site keeps away from political biases and beliefs, and does not offer to discuss the ethical norms of events taking place in the world. In the event that some films show scenes of executions, it`s all fiction, which has nothing to do with reality!

As noted earlier, scenes of violence in films are staged and are only an artistic idea. If the script of films does not provide for the victory of Good over Evil, this does not mean that we justify or promote evil and set a negative example, it only means the free expression of authors in art.

If this content is unacceptable to you or you feel that the result of watching these movies is harmful to you, we ask you to stop viewing the site and movies. The site, the copyright holders, the filmmakers and the Studio do not responsible for the consequences of viewing this site, photos and movies.


Please note that any materials purchased on this site are subject to copyright. Do not share this content publicly. If you are found guilty of distributing content, you will be subject to the civil, administrative and criminal laws of your countries under the following articles: «video piracy», «violation of intellectual and copyright rights», «distribution of adult films without age restrictions», «violation of copyright of artists and models» and others, in accordance with the legislation of a particular country. Copyright holders, film makers, actors and Actresses, and trading partners can sue you, and if your guilt is proven, you will be forced to pay monetary compensation and, possibly, serve a prison sentence.

The content of the site is solely informative, and the site is not a public offer, advertisement, or official document. The people that the site is registered with do not have to be the beneficiaries of the production.

Production activities are regulated by a number of international, local and national laws, laws and regulations, such as:

International Covenant on economic, social and cultural rights (1966)

Article 19 of the UN universal Declaration of human rights, 1948 International Copyright Law 101

United States Copyright Act and related laws contained in Tıtle 17 United States Code (December 2016)

Civil Code of the Russian Federation
